Who I am
Hello, I'm Antonia, a freelance communication designer who can usually
be found somewhere between Karlsruhe and Schwäbisch Gmünd. In addition
to my work, I like to design for fun, draw, illustrate and try my hand
at sewing clothes.
Following my → KATAPULT preliminary studies at the HS
Pforzheim, I started my path as a designer at the → HfG
Schwäbisch Gmünd. I spent my internship semester in 2021 at → 2k kreativkonzept in Karlsruhe. In
2022, I went to Tel Aviv, Israel, to study for six months at → HIT (Holon
Institute of Technology). I completed my studies at the HfG Schwäbisch
Gmünd in February 2023 with a B.A. in Communication Design.
Since then I have been working as a freelance communication
for → WERTansich(t), among others. In fall
2023, I moved back to Pforzheim, where I am currently studying → Creative Direction in the Master's
In addition to my → Projects,
you can find all kinds of experiments and fun projects that are
imperfect and unfinished at the → Playground.